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Health Center

Health Center

The Incheon Global Campus Health Center provides health care for maintaining and promoting health to students and staff on campus. Services include first aid for minor injuries, symptom managements, health consultations(Registered Nurse), preventive health education and campaign. Incheon Global Campus Health Center strives to help students succeed by promoting healthy lifestyles and creating a safe campus environment.

Clinic Hours

Monday ~ Friday: 09:00 – 17:30 (Closed Sat, Sun, Korean National holiday)

Lunch break: 12:00 – 13:00


Phone: 032-626-0533 (IGC Health Center)

E-mail: gybaek@igc.or.kr

Fax: 82-32-626-0559

Location: Support Center(Multi-complex bldg.) 3rd floor #3068

In case of emergency call: 119

Nursing Services

First aid for minor injuries, Symptom management, provide first aid medications(OTCs)

Operation of First-aid Station

Health education and campaign

Measurement of height and weight, BMI(Body Mass Index)

Nursing consultations, Health care information

Provide local clinic/hospital information (Specialties)

Free rental services (wheelchair, crutches, arm sling, ice/hot pack)

Medical Emergency on Campus


Nearby Emergency/Urgent care

- Nasaret International Hospital: 82-32-899-9999

- Inha University Hospital: 82-32-890-2114

- Gachon University Gil Medical Center: 1577-2299

During office hours, registered nurse will be available to help you.

Sexual Violence Prevention on Campus

If you have experienced sexual violence of any kind, your safety and medical needs are of primary concern. We encourage all members of our community to report all incidents of sexual violence and encourage victims to seek support and care.


- If in immediate danger, call the police 112

- GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. (Visit hospital to get immediate exam/testing)

• Location: Incheon medical center (인천의료원)-Sunflower center 217, Bangchuk-ro, Dong-gu, Incheon

• Phone: 82-32-582-1170~1, 1899-3075

- On campus: IGC Health Center 82-32-626-0533


The sooner a survivor works with a counselor and/or support group the better recovery.

- Health Center on campus: 82-32-626-0533

- Sexual Offense Services for 24hours: 1366 (Crisis phone)

- Sexual Assault Prevention, Support & Counseling

• KSVRC (Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center)

• Contact: 82-2-338-5801, www.sisters.or.kr

* Do not before the medical exam for evidence collection.


Contact Gayeon Baek R.N. B.S.N.

82-32-626-0533, gybaek@igc.or.kr

  •   Department in charge  :  University Relations Headquaters
  •   Manager  :  Gayeon Baek
  •   Contact  :  gybaek@igc.or.kr